anamed Malawi

Contact us
If you are interested to know more about us, contact us please!
anamed Malawi
Karin Schwarz
Phone: +265 99 64 74 799 also whatsapp
Email: or
AIMS and Goals:
- Register anamed in our district offices and later in the national level under nutrition and under the natural healing district ministry.
- We want to develop an anamed shop in a cooperative way.
- The anamed train the Trainer`s program will go on – the trainers will do more anamed seminar and workshops to make more people aware of anamed, the reach out should be done through various churches.
- Soon there should be a anamed Malawi convention – whereby we want to invite all up till now known seminar participants.
What we are doing
We are creating awareness at community level about the use of medical plants by conducting anamed seminars and treating people who are seek by using natural medicine.
All international anamed semiars are published on the website of anamed international. For national seminars contact us, please.